Inspired by Elliot Jay Stocks’ recent posts on his iMac plus Air setup, I thought I’d document how to set up a seamless development environment between desktop and laptop. If you intend to set up a similar environment, you’ll need to perform these steps identically on both machines. Part 2 of this series will deal with the basics of setting up a portable project, and Part 3 will cover setting up advanced tools and source control.
I read an article on Six Revisions today on the subject of a designer’s perceived arrogance versus the client’s better knowledge of their business. It could have been a good article; it had some very valid points, but it was completely spoiled by setting up the most egregious straw man it’s ever been my misfortune to read.
Before I start, let’s get some stuff out of the way: I’m no Khoi Vinh. Neither am I an Ethan Marcotte or a Jeremy Keith. I’m not a published writer on the subject of grid theory, or a speaker on the conference circuit. However, this is the Internet, where everybody has an opinion – and this is mine. This post was inspired by Mark Boulton’s post on designing from the content out, which I subsequently failed to discuss with him in 140 characters.
Chris Shiflett posted a call to arms recently about the way Twitter has affected the amount and the way we use blogs. He makes the very valid points that it’s hard to find signal amidst the noise of Twitter, and to find resources later or follow the thread of conversation relating to any given topic is near-impossible.
“It’s Rebecca Black Friday”? Sounds like something Tom Baker would announce on Little Britain. So anyway. A teenypopper has released a “song” which has gone viral in a so-bad-it’s-good way and the whole Internet is howling over it.
Ok Skype, I finally caved in and installed your poxy app. Thing is though, you also allow calls to non-Skype numbers so I’d really appreciate it if you allowed it to be set as the default application to open href="tel:" links. Y’know, RFC 3966? Because believe it or not, some people still use those old-fashioned telephone numbers.
@font-face is the new darling of Web designers. With it, we can break out of the traditional web-safe font stacks and explore the full range of typography available to us in print. Of course, @font-face isn’t the first technique available to us, we’ve progressed through a number of others over the past few years so let’s take a brief recap.
Continuing from my previous post on troubleshooting SVN setup on Windows, I’ve recently encountered (and solved) quite a serious performance hit that’s been affecting my main development machine.
Since I spend a lot of time on the move, I do most of my development on my laptop, a Dell Latitude D430. It’s a fantastic little machine, but suffers from a storage bottleneck due to the PATA interface and 1.8″ disk, exacerbated by the requirements of a development environment – a web server, database server, IDE and SVN server & client place a lot of demands on the storage subsystem.