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Why your business needs a website

I moved my office this week. I didn’t move far (20 miles) and only had one van-load to move, so I scoured the local listings for a man & van service. I don’t know if you’ve ever looked for something similar on Gumtree or the like, but I’ll save you the trouble: an endless list of (often badly-written) ads ending with a first name and a mobile phone number.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure at least some of these are fine people who do a great job, but they all fell down at the first hurdle: none of them inspired me with enough confidence to pick up the phone and put the safety of my kit in their hands – that is, until I encountered Scott and Caroline of The Blue Van Man. What I found there was a business that had taken the time to set up a website which lists a landline number and features customer testimonials, both important trust signals. So with the first hurdle overcome, guess whose number I dialed?

As it turned out, the positive first impression was backed up by an air of quiet competence that took all the stress and worry out of moving my office; but for Scott, getting my business would have been pure chance if it weren’t for the fact that he and his partner brought a large-business mindset and expertise to their small business and as a result stood head and shoulders above the competition.

No matter how small your operation, a website is an asset that not only gets you found but wins you business. Doubly so if your competition don’t have one.

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