Tag Archives: tools

Failed Lighthouse test

Fixing the NO_LCP error in Lighthouse


I redesigned this site recently. You might have noticed. Maybe not if it’s your first time here, that’s ok too. Those full page splash images with everything fading into view look pretty snazzy but there’s one small problem: the Lighthouse test’s Largest Contentful Paint test fails to pick up on any element that starts at…

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Setting up the Perfect Web Development Environment, Part 1


Inspired by Elliot Jay Stocks’ recent posts on his iMac plus Air setup, I thought I’d document how to set up a seamless development environment between desktop and laptop. If you intend to set up a similar environment, you’ll need to perform these steps identically on both machines. Part 2 of this series will deal…

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Localhost slowdown: cracking poor performance in TortoiseSVN and Zend Server


Continuing from my previous post on troubleshooting SVN setup on Windows, I’ve recently encountered (and solved) quite a serious performance hit that’s been affecting my main development machine. Since I spend a lot of time on the move, I do most of my development on my laptop, a Dell Latitude D430. It’s a fantastic little…

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Installing and Configuring SVNServe and TortoiseSVN on Windows


After you’ve been working with code for a while, source control is a godsend. It provides a way of tracking changes, prevents conflicts and generally saves your bacon. Here’s how to set it up on Windows 7. Installation First grab the latest SlikSVN and TortoiseSVN packages for your platform – x86 and x64 versions are…

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