Author Archives: Chris

About Chris

Load JQuery from Google’s CDN with local fallback in WordPress


The advantages of loading scripts from Google’s CDN are fairly obvious – for a common script such as jQuery, we’re on to a better-than-even chance that the user will already have the script in their browser’s cache from other sites, reducing the total download weight of your site. Even if they don’t, the file will…

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Setting up the Perfect Web Development Environment, Part 1


Inspired by Elliot Jay Stocks’ recent posts on his iMac plus Air setup, I thought I’d document how to set up a seamless development environment between desktop and laptop. If you intend to set up a similar environment, you’ll need to perform these steps identically on both machines. Part 2 of this series will deal…

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Adaptive Content (with a dash of jQuery)


Aral Balkan posted the following snippet on Twitter just now: <span>u</span><span class=”hideIf320″>ser e</span><span class=”capIf320″>x</span><span class=”hideIf320″>perience</span> followed by the explanation: … adaptive copy 🙂 (Actual names shortened for the tweet.) Writes “user experience” in widescreen, UX on smaller screen 🙂 It’s an interesting idea, but I think it clutters up the markup with too many non-semantic…

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Your Client Does Not Know More than You


I read an article on Six Revisions today on the subject of a designer’s perceived arrogance versus the client’s better knowledge of their business. It could have been a good article; it had some very valid points, but it was completely spoiled by setting up the most egregious straw man it’s ever been my misfortune…

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April Fool’s Day, 2011: best of the web


A collection of some of the best April Fool’s Day pranks I’ve seen this year. Google: Googling “Helvetica” displays everything in Comic Sans Gmail: Gmail Motion beta Comic Sans Pro Adblock: Adblock Freedom CX Partners: 3D Wireframes Seth Godin: Whitespace Links YouTube: YouTube 1911 Centenary (with sepia-toned video filter) Virgin: Richard Branson buys Pluto,…

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On Responsive Design, Grids and the Golden Canon of Web Page Construction


Before I start, let’s get some stuff out of the way: I’m no Khoi Vinh. Neither am I an Ethan Marcotte or a Jeremy Keith. I’m not a published writer on the subject of grid theory, or a speaker on the conference circuit. However, this is the Internet, where everybody has an opinion – and…

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