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The cobbler’s children have no shoes

It’s been a while since I’ve written in this blog. For the longest time this site has just been a holding page, because I didn’t want to do anything on the redesign until it was perfect. The thing is though, it’s never going to be perfect, for any number of reasons: I’m too much of a perfectionist, I’ve had another great idea which I really should incorporate, I was busy redesigning my billing/project management software instead. I’d let perfect become the enemy of good, or at least of good enough.

The thing I’d failed to take into account is that it’s ok for this site to be less than perfect, especially the bits that are more for my own amusement like this blog. So I’m slowly going to be adding new bits and bobs as I go along, and if something looks a little bit wonky that’s ok, I’ll get to it.

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3 Responses to The cobbler’s children have no shoes

  1. Major thing is, we’re all our own worst client. You know me well enough to know that my site, my actual portfolio site that potential clients would see, was an in joke. And I loved it like that. The replacement still isn’t great, but it does the job better, but to me, lacks love.

    When eventually you find those spots of time between personal projects and client work that you can sit down and fiddle with your own personal site, then do so.

    Remember, painters and decorators always have that undecorated room at home, plumbers always have that tap that just drips and web designers and developers will always have that personal site that’s just… not… finished… ever…

    Finishing these things isn’t the end goal, the end goal is being comfortable with the fact they may never be finished.

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